About Us

Today the word 'big' is synonymous to Big Data and applying thoughts happen around applications. Sklus has taken birth to take technology application to the next big level with consultation that guides mind to make business in the desired way.

We are a few like-minded people who ever wanted to create scopes for better utilization of technology advancements. We thought to spread our arms to embrace opportunities in serving businesses with solutions that make human life better utilizing technology.

Sklus creates the roadmap for the success of its clients' business. At Sklus, we deliver technology consulting so that client's business is driven on the even road, guided by applications specifically serving targeted purposes. We never fire in the air. We gather huge data of customer interactions available against particular business line and analyse those Big Data to come to real scenario and creating future plan. This analysis paves the road to the perfect strategic consultation towards meeting business goals.

While we believe in maximum utilization of technology, we never forget the truth - the human brain is the supreme computer to father and mother technologic progress. Sklus has created a team of engineers who are masters to think genius, work intelligent but react human - we know every solution at the end point targets a human.


"Guiding business in doing simple things in amazing way"

The fertile human brain can do many things, so leading business to deserving success cannot be a rocket science! Our mission is optimum use of technological advancement for better human life. We are all set to:

Believe in the power of technology and utilize them for creating a better world
Water diverse points of views but grow the business tree bearing fruits of technological innovation
Cultivate knowledge through brains capable of focusing success both for itself and the clients
Create a repository of information to open up a world of possibilities for every inquisitive mind
Nurture every potential to develop meaningful solutions that simplify business process out of every effort
Add value to human life to make the society better utilizing technological advancement


"Let's walk miles until you say thanks for giving me your company"

You need to be like-minded or to some extend agree to few things to reach the desired destinations. But you should not sacrifice your values that has powered you to spread the helping hands. True values guide you to guide people:

Have focus on things you want to do. Let it be for customers or for own purpose
Follow your passion or lose your motion to infinity. Only passionate people can bring innovation
Be collaborative in sharing loads. If you cannot hold someone’s hand, you cannot identify the finishing point
Empower leadership to establish ownership, rear up responsibility, create accountability to usher in success
Transparent approach grows faith, brings understanding and create urge to do amazing things simply
Integrity keeps failures at bay and encourage dedication towards meeting targets wholeheartedly

Our Product - Mobile App