
Big Data Analytics

Analysis becomes handicap when it walks on predefined path. At Sklus we collaborate with client business in understanding demand and analyse accordingly. To work on huge data - big data - the solution lies in understanding specific requirements according to nature or the type of industry you are working for.

Our Big Data solution approach
Predictive modelling
Statistical models
Machine learning
Text and semi-structured data mining
Pattern recognition
Knowledge representation
Decision support methods
Recommendation generation
Anomaly detection
Churn analysis
Risk analysis
Fraud detection
Customer segmentation

Industry and domain we provide analytics solutions

o Credit risk Analysis
o Portfolio Analysis
o Budget & plan analysis
o Accounts logic analysis
o Marketing strategy analysis
o Fraud detection & management analysis
o Business process optimization analysis

Life sciences
o Drug and therapy research analysis
o Physician interaction analysis
o Manufacturing analysis
o Analysis on genetic sequencing
o Analysis on real-world evidence
o Analysis on translational sciences and imaging process
o Life science segment and Target analysis
o Promotions plan and return analysis
o Sales and promotions analysis
o Resource use and investment scenario analysis
o Market research analytics on life sciences

o Financial performance analysis
o Customer and business data warehousing
o Analytics on clinical performance
o Analysis on member, charge and costing
o Predictive Modelling on business operation and process flow
o Data fraud detection and prevention analytics
o Analytics for decision making

o Price optimization analysis
o Business plan and Optimization analysis
o Customer insight analysis
o Integrated merchandise Plan analysis
o Retail market research and analysis
o Business size optimization analytics
o Space Plan and Optimization analysis

Technology companies
o Customer segmentation analysis
o Strategy and plan analysis
o Research and development analysis
o Product development analysis
o Sales and marketing process analysis

Tele communication
o Customer experience analysis
o Business model performance analysis
o profits and demand analysis
o competition and competitor analysis
o subscriber base and demand analysis
o Customer revenue analysis
o Profitable retention analysis

o Market research analytics
o Data processing analytics
o Advanced market analytics
o CRM analytics
o Survey analytics
o Marketing process analytics
o Plan and budge analysis
o Response & lead management analysis
o Data & list management analytics
o Campaign management analytics

Supply chain
o Sourcing analytics
o Transportation analytics
o Inventory Optimization analysis
o Supply chain plan analysis
o Demand forecasting analysis
o Sales & operations Plan analysis
o Quality lifecycle analysis

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